If you see crickets around your house, there's probably an infestation. When the weather is harsh, or they experience a food shortage, these pests will start to show up. You'll likely catch them entering through holes in window or door screens or cracks in foundations. Since they gravitate to moisture, bathrooms, kitchens, and similar will quickly become nesting spots. Warmth makes them comfortable as well. That said, crickets may also hole up in fireplaces and heaters. Crickets primarily consume other bugs, which means their arrival hints at a bigger problem. Additionally, they munch on vegetables, fruit, pet food, as well as:
Common house crickets range between 3/4 and 7/8 of an inch long and are yellow-brown, with two antennae that help them navigate. A trio of stripes is toward the rear of their heads, and their wings and hind legs are substantial in size. Young are smaller and don't have any wings.
Cricket infestations are irrefutable once the insects begin chirping. Males cause a ruckus to communicate with potential mates, and once they invade your property, it will be immensely challenging to get a good night's sleep with all that cricket noise.
You can't be nonchalant about crickets on your property. Bacterial cells cover their bodies, which means they can contaminate surfaces, food, and more. Further, they have microbes in their urine, feces, and saliva. Salmonella and E. coli are two of the conditions associated with cricket droppings. If they bite you, it will result in painful sores. Here's how you can prevent these bugs:
These steps can save you from struggling with crickets and the threats they pose.
There are many misconceptions about DIY cricket elimination products. A widely held belief is that store-bought goods are less expensive than professional agents but equally potent. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Store items have a high price tag, even though they are only for temporary use, and worse is that the ingredients can be toxic for people, domestic animals, and vegetation.
Natura Pest Control has affordable and safe cricket treatments that work long-term. Our expert pest control technicians will find and address cricket nests, guide you through our process, and block any future intrusions. Call us today!
5595 Equity Ave, Ste 650, Reno, NV 89502
1855 Sullivan Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, United States of America