Ants are highly social insects that work together as a colony. They are usually found in the bathroom or kitchen or outside trailing along cracks or edges of some sort.
Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped insects that come in many colors. They are normally found under tree or bush leaves and feed on the leaves causing damage over time.
A boxelder bug has a black body, with the wings and thorax (chest) outlined in a noticeable orange-red color. They are often found on tree bark and in mulch areas.
Earwigs are a long and slender insect with two pinchers at their rear. They mainly live outside in wet mulch areas and in lawns and gardens. And they DON’T like ears.
The house mouse is the most common mouse to enter a home and is typically gray or light brown. Mice can make their way into a home through a hole as small as a dime.
Fleas are small, flattened, and dark in colored pests. They are attracted to pests and people alike sucking blood for food. Dogs and cats try to remove them through excessive scratching.
Voles tend to look like field mice, but with shorter tails and plumper bodies. They grow to be about 5-8 inches in size. Voles are normally found in areas with dense vegetation
Spiders have eight legs creatures that produce silk from spinnerets located on their abdomen. They can be found in lawns and gardens and sometimes end up in our homes.
Wasps are small stinging insects that hunt and feed on other insects. They build paper nests along fence lines, in trees or under the eaves of homes.
The caterpillar is made up of segments which are connected by flexible joints like hinges, allowing the caterpillar to move and contort in amazing ways. This segmented body helps it to crawl along leaves and twigs.
Snails have a soft body and carry a hard shell with them. When they move they leave a silvery trail behind them. They are often found in damp, dark areas surrounded with vegetation.
Spider mites look like small little specs clustered around the stem of the plant on the back of a leaf. Spider mite damage will appear as small yellow or brown spots on leaves.
Weevil larva look like small, short, fat, white worms with a their head showing as a small dark spot at their front. They are found in and round plants, and gardens.
Centipedes are a brown, reddish-orange color with long, segmented bodies with a pair of legs per segment.
Crickets have large hind legs allowing them jump long distances. Their iconic scratching sound is made by rubbing their front wings together. They most often can be found outside in mulchy flower beds.
Stored food pests cover a wide variety of pests, they could be Moths, Carpet beetles or Mites. They invade dry goods from kitchens and pantries use the food to bread.
Silverfish are a tear-shaped insect with 3 long bristle-like appendages coming off the back of the. They are most often found in attics and close books or cardboard.
German Roaches have oval, tannish brown, bodies with two dark parallel stripes behind their heads. They thrive indoors in dark damp areas like kitchens and bathrooms.
Sowbugs have a hard, oval like body with a pair of tail-like appendages which project from the back of its body. They can be found in damp areas, including garages and basements.
Oriental cockroaches have a shiny black to a dark reddish-brown color. They are often called “waterbugs” because they thrive in damp areas. They’re often found in a garage or laundry room.
Rats in our area grow up to 17 inches long from head to tail. They have powerful jaws that allow them to do damage indoors and outdoors.
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on blood, typically at night. Their bites can result in significant health issues, including skin rashes, and allergy-like symptoms.
A mole is a small, burrowing mammal that can cause significant damage to lawns, gardens, and landscaping by tunneling underground, disrupting plant roots, and creating unsightly mounds.
A gopher is a burrowing rodent that creates extensive underground tunnels, damaging crops, lawns, and gardens by uprooting plants and weakening soil structure, often leading to costly landscape repairs.
Clover mites are small, reddish-brown arachnids that are often seen on plant leaves, grasses, and the exterior of buildings, particularly during spring and fall. While they do not damage plants, they can occasionally invade homes in large groups, leaving behind unsightly stains and a nuisance indoors.
5595 Equity Ave, Ste 650, Reno, NV 89502
1855 Sullivan Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, United States of America