Many species of wasps live here in Reno, and each behaves a bit differently. One example of this is where they decide to build their nests. Most wasps in our area create their homes out of chewed-up pulp which they get from tree bark and other wood-based items. You are most likely to find this type of nest on the sides of buildings, hanging from trees, and in other high-up protected sites.
Certain species, such as yellow jackets and paper wasps, will sometimes build inside abandoned ground burrows. Be extra cautious of this if you see an increased number of these pests around your property.
One particular species of wasps in our area, called mud daubers, build their nests in an interesting way. Unlike other area wasps that live in large social colonies, mud daubers are solitary and build their own individualized apartments out of mud. You may find these mud tubes on the sides of buildings and trees.
Wasps are naturally drawn to areas that provide them with the ability to provide for their most basic needs. One thing no wasp can live without is food. The question is what do these pests eat? In our area, wasps will eat just about anything including left-out barbeque, trash, fallen fruits, the pollen from flowers, and other sweet and meaty foods. If your property offers these pests ways to keep their tiny bellies full, they will be more likely to build their nests nearby.
There is a good chance that your property is attracting wasps and providing them with locations to build nests. To make your yard and outdoor living areas less susceptible to wasp problems, here are some simple DIY strategies our experts recommend you use.
Two things to keep in mind are that wasp nests start small and are usually vacant during the day until they grow in size. Keeping this in mind, if you find a paper nest on your property that is smaller than a golf ball, check to see no one is home and then knock it down using a long stick or broom.
Trying to deal with a mature wasp nest on your own is a dangerous venture. To remove a nest from your property without risking injury get the experts at Natura Pest Control involved. We will inspect your property for these pests and address any we find using advanced safety equipment and industrial-grade pest control products.
Call us now to find your best answer for wasp problems here in Reno.
5595 Equity Ave, Ste 650, Reno, NV 89502
1855 Sullivan Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, United States of America