In fairness, some spiders
are truly dangerous and should be addressed with caution. However, most spiders are actually harmless to humans despite still being capable of biting, and are even beneficial (as long as they stay inside).
Most spiders are relatively small, boast eight legs, and are a light brown color. However, there are some truly dangerous spiders to watch for in Reno. These spiders include but aren't limited to:
While it’s rare to see either of these two spiders in your home, it can still happen. You will usually find them in dark and secluded places in the home. In some cases, they will hide under furniture or in crevices like your baseboards.
Even when spiders can be beneficial, it still doesn't change the fact you want them outside of your home instead of inside. As such, we've put together a list of spider prevention tips so you can keep your home spider-free. Before we get to the actual tips, we need to cover an important point.
Spiders are hunters. They seek out insects to prey upon. If you see a lot of spiders in your Reno home
, then you likely have other pests causing problems too. For this reason, our prevention tips include:
Spiders are a pain for most homeowners since they signify a larger pest problem at best and are a dangerous problem by themselves at best. For this reason, our team at Natura Pest Control is ready and willing to assist with your spider prevention needs quickly and effectively. If you need spider control services give our team at Natura Pest Control a call or go online to take the first steps towards becoming spider-free.
5595 Equity Ave, Ste 650, Reno, NV 89502
1855 Sullivan Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, United States of America