The main reason that people are afraid of spiders is that they fear being bitten. The truth is that all spiders do have fangs and the ability to bite and inject venom. They need these in order to eat their prey. But, the truth is that spiders don't bite humans that often. Most don't have potent enough venom to harm people anyway, and usually, spiders just want to avoid people even more than we want to avoid them.
The vast majority of home-invading spiders aren't dangerous. Species like house spiders and wolf spiders can look gross, but they couldn't hurt you even if they happened to bite you. There are, however, two dangerous spiders in Nevada that you should try to avoid. Here is how you can identify dangerous spiders in the area:
While both black widow and brown recluse spiders are potentially dangerous, it's comforting to know that fatalities are quite rare. As far as black widows go, they usually are quite secretive and stay out of the way. If they do happen to bite, they might not even inject much venom. However, if you are bitten, you should still seek medical attention to be safe, as you could have some significant side effects and symptoms.
Then, for the brown recluse, the bites are also usually not fatal. These spiders usually live in dark areas, but if you accidentally encounter one, they may bite. Luckily, these bites are still uncommon, but you should get medical attention if bitten just in case. Some bites can lead to serious symptoms, including tissue necrosis.
Whether You're dealing with dangerous or harmless spider species, the best way to remove them is with spider control from Natura Pest Control. Spiders can be upsetting to encounter, so let the pros deal with them, so you don't have to. Our spider control plans include ongoing treatments to prevent spiders as well as the removal of existing infestations. Give us a call or send a message to learn more or request a quote.
5595 Equity Ave, Ste 650, Reno, NV 89502
1855 Sullivan Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, United States of America