A long time ago a rumor was started that earwigs crawl into people’s ears and lay eggs inside their brains. We don’t know where this myth started, but we can assure you that it is not true. These pests will never lay eggs inside your head and are extremely unlikely to ever be found inside your ears. With that said, earwigs are elongated, slender insects that are dark brown in color and have yellow legs. Earwigs also have long curled antenna and a large set of pinchers at their rear.
Although sometimes found indoors, earwigs are mostly agricultural pests that infest gardens and yards. During the day, these pests will hide under leaves, inside debris, beneath stones, inside garden mulch, and in other secluded and moist places. You might find earwigs around your property by overturning logs, rocks, bark, and digging around in soil or mulch. When inside homes, these pests gravitate into moist and untraveled areas like basements and crawlspaces. You might also find earwigs inside or near indoor house plants, trying to get something to eat.
It is easy to assume that earwigs are dangerous creatures because of their pinchers and scary appearance. Truthfully, these pests are among the least harmful insects you might find on your Reno property. Although capable of grasping onto skin with their pinching forceps, an earwig poses no serious threat to human health. They are not venomous, can’t bite, and do not spread any forms of dangerous disease. The biggest problem earwigs pose is with the voracious way they consume and damage garden plants.
Earwigs are unfair weather pests. This is to say, if conditions outdoors are unfavorable to their survival, they will look for ways to stay comfortable by invading nearby homes. The two times of year you are likely to spot earwigs indoors are during the blistering heat of summer and when temperatures drop in the fall and winter.
When it comes to deterring earwigs, your goals should be to make your home as inaccessible and unattractive to these pests as possible. To help you with this, here are a few basic prevention strategies to use today.
If you need a quick and easy option to handle earwigs around your property, call the home pest professionals at Natura Pest Control. We will evaluate your home and property and implement quick and effective treatments to eliminate and deter these invasive and problematic pests.
Get in touch with us today to have your questions answered or to schedule an appointment for your Reno home and property.
5595 Equity Ave, Ste 650, Reno, NV 89502
1855 Sullivan Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, United States of America